A little bit


about me.

I’m a Product Designer based in the Bay Area, specializing in visual and user interface design, prototyping, and creating seamless digital interactions.

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Pre-design, I spent three years teaching English in Asia, 21 days solo trekking in the Himalayas, and 27 years with a lingering desire to pursue a more creative career.

In the last ~2 years since I’ve discovered Design, I’ve become obsessed with it (really…I now dream in fonts and pixels). I love taking inspiration from nature, art, photography, and other incredible designers to create clean, visually appealing, and human-centered designs.

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I bring to my work a fresh perspective, an eye for beauty, empathy for my users which I’ve cultivated through teaching, and an insatiable desire to learn, improve my process, and succeed, as I have in everything else I’ve set my mind to.

When I’m not designing or endlessly browsing fonts, you can find me reading fantasy novels, photographing my travels, watering my many houseplants, or pairing local wines with cheese.


Want to know more? Check out my work below or send me an email to connect.